Subscription payment – description of the process

  1. To place an order for a subscription, register or log in to the journal's website. Select the issues or articles available for subscription and click on the "Subscribe" button.

    The selected items will be added to the list of orders. In the list of orders, click the "Pay" button.

  2. You will be taken to the order placement page. Fill in the required fields. Click "Next".

  3. To pay for the "Subscription", you will be redirected to the payment gateway of Sberbank of Russia to enter your card details. Please prepare your plastic card in advance.

The connection with the payment gateway and the transfer of information is carried out in a secure mode using the SSL encryption protocol. If your bank supports the technology of secure online payments Verified By Visa or MasterCard Secure Code, you may also need to enter a special password to make a payment. You can check the methods and the possibility of obtaining passwords for making Internet payments at the bank that issued your card.

This site supports 256-bit encryption. The confidentiality of the reported personal information is provided by Sberbank of Russia. The entered information will not be provided to third parties, except as provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Payments by bank cards are carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of Visa Int payment systems and MasterCard Europe Sprl.

You will have 20 minutes to complete the required form fields. If you didn't have enough time, try again by preparing the card in advance.

  1. In case of successful payment, you will see a confirmation message on the site. A report on the successful operation will be sent to the e-mail specified during registration.

  2. Access to the full versions of the articles in the selected issues is provided automatically when the order status is changed to "Paid". We recommend you to re-login (log out and re-enter the site using your login and password) for the new access rights to take effect.

  3. If errors occur on the payment system gateway page, you will see a message corresponding to the problem (insufficient funds on the card, the card has expired, etc.). Follow the instructions of the payment system: check the correctness of the entered information, the balance of funds on the card, the validity period of the card, check with the Issuing Bank the possibility of paying for services via the card via the Internet.

  4. If you saw a message about a successful payment on the site, but did not get access to the full texts of the articles, re-authorize on the site so that the new rights for your account take effect.

  5. If the funds have already been debited from your card, but you have not received a message about a successful payment to the email address specified during registration, then check your Spam folder. If there is no message there, then contact the site administrator at

Cards requirements

Cards of payment systems MasterCard (except Maestro) and VISA (except VISA Electron) are accepted for payment. When paying, you must specify:

  • Card number,

  • card expiry date,

  • card holder’s name,

  • CVV code (for VISA) or CVC (for MasterCard). If there is no CVC / CVV code on your card, then the card may not be suitable for CNP transactions (i.e., such transactions in which the card itself is not present, but its details are used) and you should contact the bank for more information.

The card details are sent to the Acquiring Bank. This information is not stored on the journal's website. The connection with the payment gateway and the transfer of your plastic card parameters is carried out in a secure mode using a 128-bit SSL encryption protocol.

Refund information

Payment for "Electronic Subscription" is non-refundable.

Receiving the paid order and return conditions

  1. When paying for the Subscription with a bank card, confirmation occurs automatically. Within 15 minutes after payment, a confirmation of payment for the Subscription will be sent to the user's e-mail. Check your Spam folder if necessary. If you did not receive a notification of successful payment, and access to the articles was not opened, then contact the site administrator by e-mail

  2. After payment confirmation, the user gets access to read articles within the selected subscription. Sometimes a re-authorization may be required.

Important! Login and password are the same for all sites of journals and the site of Bakoulev Center.

Terms of use

This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) governs relations between the FSBI “Bakoulev NMRCCVS” of the Ministry of Health of Russia – a legal entity registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as NMRCCVS), on the one hand, and any individual who has made an Acceptance (hereinafter referred to as the User).

In accordance with Article 435 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the CC RF), this Agreement is an offer addressed to one or several persons, and can only be accepted by joining the Agreement as a whole (Article 428 of the CC RF). The procedure and conditions for concluding a public contract are regulated by the norms of the CC RF.

  1. Terms and definitions

Acceptance is the performance by the User of actions confirming his agreement with the terms of the Agreement. After Acceptance, it is considered that the User has unconditionally and fully accepted the terms of the Agreement.

User registration provision of information in accordance with clause 3 of the Agreement by an individual and a sequence of actions leading to the creation of a User account on the site.

Reader a User who made an Acceptance and got access to the Content from the journal’s website after making a payment.

Content articles published in the journal, converted to digital format.

Access the receipt by the User of the Content through individual settings, which does not lead to the creation of its digital copy in the memory of the PC or other device of the User.

Copyright holder an individual or legal entity that has the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity or to a means of individualization.

Electronic subscription the conditions of Access to User Content. An electronic subscription is attached to specific issues or articles and is not limited in time. Access to the content opens automatically after the payment is made.

Subscription for one year means that the User gets Reading Access to the full texts of the journal articles for a certain year (for example, all issues of the journal "Creative Cardiology" 2018)

Subscribing to an issue means Reading access to the full texts of articles included in a particular issue .

  1. Subject of the Agreement

The subject of the agreement is the granting of access to the Users to the Content posted on the journal's website by the NMRCCVS, provided that the Users comply with the terms of the Agreement.

  1. User Registration

    • 3.1. When registering, an individual provides the following information about himself:

      • login;

      • password;

      • e-mail address;

      • name;

      • surname;

      • profession;

      • date of birth;

      • company’s name;

      • position.

    • 3.2. NMRCCVS is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the User.

    • 3.3. Actions performed using the login and password are considered to be performed on behalf of the User.

    • 3.4. The user undertakes not to disclose the username and password to third parties. In case of loss of access or suspicion of the use of the login and password by third parties, the User undertakes to immediately notify the site administrator of the NMRCCVS by sending an email to In this case, the account is temporarily blocked. Access is returned to the user upon request: in person or in writing to the official contacts of the NMRCCVS.

    • 3.5. By providing the registration data, the User confirms his consent to their collection, storage and processing in order to comply with this Agreement in accordance with the adopted Personal Data Processing Policy of NMRCCVS (part 2 of article 6 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FL "About personal data").

    • 3.6. The user agrees to receive informational messages from the Publishing House, A.N. Bakulev NMRCCVS, Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons of Russia to the e-mail address specified during the registration. The user can refuse to receive messages by sending a corresponding letter to the site administrator.

  2. Use of Content by the Reader

    • 4.1. The Reader undertakes to use the received Content for personal purposes not related to commercial activities.

    • 4.2. The Reader agrees that he is not entitled to copy, transfer, fully or partially reproduce, broadcast through various communication channels and other software or technical means the Content to third parties. Use of the Content contrary to the Agreement is possible only with the written permission of the Copyright Holder.

    • 4.3. The reader undertakes to put the URL and bibliographic reference of the article when using citations or materials.

    • 4.4. The content is published on the journal's website in the form in which it was provided by the Copyright Holder. NMRCCVS is not responsible for the content and does not guarantee that the Content meets the User's expectations.

    • 4.5. If the content of the Content does not meet the expectations of the Reader, the payment for the access provided is not refundable. For maximum information about the content NMRCCVS publishes abstracts of articles and information about the authors.

  3. Responsibility

    • 5.1. In case that the Reader is found to have failed to fulfill his obligations to use the Content, NMRCCVS has the right to unilaterally refuse to provide the Reader with access to the Content, block the account or restrict access to sites.

    • 5.2. NMRCCVS is not liable to the User for violation of the obligations of the Agreement in case that this violation is caused by force majeure circumstances.

    • 5.3. NMRCCVS has the right to change the text of the Agreement without prior notice to Users.

    • 5.4. The Agreement is an official document and is available on the website.

  4. Refund Information

    • 6.1. The "Electronic Subscription" service is provided after the payment is made. Payment for "Electronic Subscription" is non-refundable.

  5. Contact information

    • Publishing house contact details:

    • 119049, Моscow, Leninskiy prospekt, 8, building 18,

    • Intellectual Property Department

    • (499) 237-38-92, 236-92-87

    • E-mail:

    • E-mails of site administrator:,

  6. Bank details

Contracted name

FSBI "Bakoulev NMRCCVS" of Russian Ministry of Health

Legal address

119049, Моscow, Leninskiy prospekt, 8

Actual address

121552, Моscow, Roublevskoe shosse, 135















Payment account


Personal account


Bank name

Main Branch of the Bank of Russia CFD, Moscow 35




Elena Z. Golukhova

Consent to the processing of personal data when registering on the site


A visitor is any natural person who views the pages of websites from a PC or mobile devices via the Internet.

Access the receipt by the Visitor of digital content published on the pages of the sites using the client software. Access is organized in the "reading" mode.

FSBI “Bakoulev NMRCCVS” of the Ministry of Health of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) provides Site Visitors with Access to the pages subject to acceptance of this Consent to the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Consent).

By accepting this Consent, the User allows the Operator to process his personal data: collect, record, systematize, accumulate, store, extract, use, depersonalize, block, transfer (distribute, provide, access), delete, destruct.

The acceptance is considered to be a mark about reading the Personal Data Processing Policy and this Consent to Processing in case of using the services or continuing to view the pages of the site and clicking on navigation links in case of reading the Content.

The user independently studies this Consent before using the services of the site.

Acquired personal data

1.1. The site collects data automatically. The list of collected data:

  • visit date;

  • session ID;

  • time spent on the site;

  • transition source;

  • login page;

  • visitor ID;

  • IP address;

  • data about the browser used;

  • languages (for example, ru);

  • cookie data.

1.2. The site contains the code of the Yandex.Metrica counter, which automatically collects data about site visitors:

  • visit date;

  • time spent on the site;

  • transition source;

  • login page;

  • history of visiting pages;

  • IP address;

  • data about the browser used;

  • languages (for example, ru).

1.3. When using the services of the site, the User voluntarily, based on his goals, transfers his personal data to the Operator through the web form:

  • login;

  • password;

  • e-mail;

  • name;

  • patronymic;

  • surname;

  • birth date;

  • address.

Purposes of data processing

Obtaining by the User access to the services of the site, namely the "feedback form", in pursuance of the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 956n dated December 31, 2014 "On the information necessary for an independent assessment of the quality of services provided by medical organizations, and the requirements for the content and form of providing information on the activities of medical organizations posted on the official websites of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and medical organizations in the Internet information and telecommunications network”;

  • Execution of Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 247 dated March 28, 2014, No. 326 dated September 24, 2014, No. 7 dated January 13, 2014, Government Decree No. 842 dated September 24, 2013;

  • Fulfillment of the obligations of NMRCCVS to the Users, undertaken at the conclusion of the User Agreement when making an electronic subscription to the content;

  • Statistical and marketing research of anonymized data;

  • Sending newsletters about its activities for marketing purposes.

Withdrawal of Consent to the processing of personal data

NMRCCVS processes personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes of processing personal data. When the user makes an Electronic subscription, the storage period is 4 years.

After the expiration of the established data storage period, the User may revoke the Consent by sending a written request to the NMRCCVS at the following address: 121552, Moscow, Rublevskoe shosse, 135 (Department of Information Technology) or by e-mail The letter should indicate the user ID, login and e-mail to uniquely identify the account and the reason for the revocation.

In case of revocation of the Consent, the User may be restricted access to the services.

Validity periods

This Consent to the processing of personal data is valid from the moment it is accepted by the User until revoked by sending a message.

Chief Editor

Elena Z. Golukhova, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

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