User Agreement

This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) governs the relationship between Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation — a legal entity registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as Bakoulev Center), on the one hand, and any individual who has made an Acceptance (hereinafter referred to as User).

In accordance with Article 435 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as CC RF), this Agreement is an offer addressed to one or more persons and may be adopted only by joining the Agreement as a whole (Article 428 of CC RF). The procedure and conditions for concluding a public contract are governed by the norms of the CC RF.

  1. Terms and definitions

    Agreement Acceptance means that the User confirms his agreement with the terms of the Agreement. After the Acceptance, it is considered that the User unconditionally and fully accepted the terms of the Agreement.

    User registration — providing information in accordance with paragraph 3 of the Agreement by an individual and a sequence of actions leading to the creation of a User account on the site.

    Reader — a User who has performed an Acceptance and who has gained access to the Content of the journal website after making a payment.

    Content — articles published in the journal, converted to digital format.

    Access — the receipt by the User of the Content through individual settings, which does not lead to the creation of a digital copy of it in the memory of the PC or other device of the User.

    Rightholder — an individual or legal entity that has the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity or to a means of individualization.

    Electronic subscription — Terms of Access to User Content. An electronic subscription is tied to concrete issues or articles and is not limited in time. Access to content opens automatically after payment.

    One-year subscription means that the User gains access to read the full texts of journal articles for a certain year (for example, all issues of the 2018 Russian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery).

    Issue subscription means Access to read the full texts of articles of the concrete issue.

  2. Subject of the Agreement

    The subject of the agreement is the provision by Bakoulev Center of Users' Access to the Content posted on the journal website, provided that the Users comply with the terms of the Agreement.

  3. User Registration

    3.1. When registering, an individual provides the following information about himself:

    I. Username,

    II. Password,

    III. E-mail,

    IV. Name,

    V. Surname,

    VI. Profession,

    VII. Date of birth,

    VIII. Company name,

    IX. Position.

    3.2. Bakoulev Center is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the User.

    3.3. Actions performed using the username and password are considered committed on behalf of the User.

    3.4. The user agrees not to disclose the username and password to third parties. In the event of loss of access or suspicion of using a login and password by third parties, the User undertakes to immediately notify the administrator of the Bakoulev Center site by sending an e-mail to In this case, the account is temporarily blocked. Access is returned to the user upon request: in person or in writing to the official contacts of Bakoulev Center.

    3.5. Having provided the registration data, the User confirms his consent to their collection, storage and processing in order to comply with this Agreement in accordance with the adopted Personal Data Processing Policy of Bakoulev Center (part 2 of article 6 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-ФЗ “On personal data”).

    3.6. The user agrees to receive information messages from the Publishing House, Bakoulev Center, Russian Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons to the e-mail address provided during registration. The user may refuse to receive messages by sending an appropriate letter to the site administrator.

  4. Use of Content by the Reader

    4.1. The reader agrees to use the received Content for personal purposes not related to commercial activities.

    4.2. The reader agrees that he is not entitled to download, copy, transmit, fully or partially reproduce, broadcast through various communication channels and other software or hardware the Content to third parties. Use of Content contrary to the Agreement is possible only with the written permission of the Copyright Holder.

    4.3. The reader undertakes to provide the URL and bibliographic link of the article when using citations or materials.

    4.4. The content published on the journal website is in the form in which it was provided by the Copyright Holder. The Bakoulev Center is not responsible for the content and does not guarantee compliance of the Content with the expectations of the User.

    4.5. In case of inconsistency of the Content with the expectations of the Reader, payment for the granted access is not refundable. To maximize information on the content, Bakoulev Center publishes announcements of articles and information about the authors.

  5. Responsibility

    5.1. In case the Reader fails to fulfill obligations while using the Content, Bakoulev Center has the right to unilaterally deny the Reader access to the Content, block the account or restrict access to sites.

    5.2. Bakoulev Center is not liable to the User for violation of the obligations of the Agreement if this violation is caused by force majeure.

    5.3. Bakoulev Center has the right to change the text of the Agreement without prior notice to the Users.

    5.4. The Agreement is an official document and is available on the website.

  6. Refund Information

    6.1. The Electronic Subscription service is provided after payment. Payment for Electronic Subscription is non-refundable.

  7. Contact information

    7.1. Contact Publishers:

    8/18 Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow, 119049, Russia

    Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery,

    Intellectual Property Department

    +7 (499) 237-38-92, 236-92-87

    7.2. E-mails of site administrators:,

  8. Bank details

    Сокращенное наименование ФГБУ «НЦССХ им. А.Н. Бакулева» Минздрава России
    Юридический адрес 119049, г. Москва, Ленинский проспект, д. 8
    актический адрес 121552, г. Москва, Рублевское шоссе, д. 135
    ИНН/КПП 7706137673/770601001
    ОГРН 1027739402437
    ОКПО 01897446
    ОКОГУ 4100503
    ОКАТО 45286596000
    ОКТМО 45384000000
    ОКФС 12
    Расчетный счет 40501810600002000079
    Лицевой счет 20736Ц37100 в УФК по г. Москве
    Наименование банка ОТДЕЛЕНИЕ 1 МОСКВА Г. МОСКВА 705
    БИК 044583001

Chief Editor

Elena Z. Golukhova, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

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