Rare causes of heart failure: ruptured aneurysm of the right coronary sinus of Valsalva

Authors: Tavlueva E.V., Martynova E.N., Papoyan S.A., Sagirov M.A., Redkoborody A.V., Maltseva A.A., Burns S.A., Markarov A.E.

Company: 1 F.I. Inozemtsev City Clinical Hospital, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine, Moscow, Russian Federation
3 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation
4Department of Health of the City of Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
5 N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine, Moscow, Russian Federation

For correspondence:  Sign in or register.

Type:  Clinical Cases

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24022/1997-3187-2023-17-2-296-303

For citation: Tavlueva E.V., Martynova E.N., Papoyan S.A., Sagirov M.A., Redkoborody A.V., Maltseva A.A., Burns S.A., Markarov A.E. Rare causes of heart failure: ruptured aneurysm of the right coronary sinus of Valsalva. Creative Cardiology. 2023; 17 (2): 296–303 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24022/1997-3187-2023-17-2-296-303

Received / Accepted:  18.05.2023 / 23.06.2023

Keywords: sinus of Valsalva aneurysm rupture of sinus of Valsalva aneurysm acute right ventricular failure surgical management

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This article presents a clinical case of a 31-year-old patient who suffered a ruptured aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva This case illustrates the complex issues of differential diagnosis of the heart failure. The patient was hospitalized in several hospitals with a heart failure. However, the ongoing diagnostic studies did not allow a quick and correct diagnosis. Rupture of the sinus of Valsalva isn’t a common cause of heart failure and isn’t included in the usual circle of differential diagnosis. Late diagnosis can lead to adverse consequences in this pathology. The patient was operated after the diagnosis of rupture of the sinus of Valsalva. Only surgery eliminated the heart failure in a young woman.


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About Authors

  • Evgeniya V. Tavlueva, Dr. Med. Sci., Cardiologist, Head of the Regional Vascular Center F.I. Inozemtsev CCH, Рrofessor at the Department of Cardiology, Leading Researcher of the Department for the Study of Pathogenetic Aspects of Aging of NMRC TPM; ORCID
  • Ekaterina N. Martynova, Therapist, Head of Department; ORCID
  • Simon A. Papoyan, Cand. Med. Sci., Cardiovascular Surgeon, Head of Department of vascular surgery F.I. Inozemtsev CCH, Associate Professor of the Department of X-ray Endovascular Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment of the N.I. Pirogov RNRMU, Head of the Organizational and Methodological Department for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow; ORCID
  • Marat A. Sagirov, Cand. Med. Sci., Cardiovascular Surgeon, Head of Department; ORCID
  • Andrey V. Redkoborodyy, Cand. Med. Sci., Cardiovascular Surgeon, Leading Researcher of department of emergency cardiac surgery, circulatory support and transplantation N.V. Sklifosovsky RIEM, Leading Specialist of the Organizational and Methodological Department for Cardiovascular Surgery Department of Health of the City of MoscowМ; ORCID
  • Alina A. Maltseva, Therapist, Resident Physician; ORCID
  • Svetlana A. Berns, Dr. Med. Sci., Cardiologist, Рrofessor of Department, Head of Department; ORCID
  • Arnold E. Markarov, Cand. Med. Sci., Surgeon, Chief Physicianч; ORCID

Chief Editor

Elena Z. Golukhova, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

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