Abramov–Fiedler myocarditis
Company: City clinical hospital named after E.O. Mukhin, Moscow, Russian Federataion
For correspondence: Sign in or register.
Type: Clinical Cases
For citation: Yarmedova S.F., Piksina G.F., Vinogradova O.Yu. Abramov–Fiedler myocarditis. Creative Cardiology. 2023; 17 (4): 536–43 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24022/1997-3187-2023-17-4-536-543
Received / Accepted: 30.10.2023 / 07.11.2023
Keywords: myocarditis fulminant myocarditis Abramov–Fiedler myocarditis
It is known that the most rare causes of myocarditis include rapidly progressive forms, for example: necrotizing eosinophilic myocarditis, idiopathic giant cell myocarditis, as well as other forms of fulminant myocarditis, the cause and pathogenesis of which are not always clear. We present a clinical case of rapidly progressive myocarditis with unclear etiology, the main problem in the curation of which was the presence of a combined comorbid background that camouflaged the clinical picture, as well as technical difficulties in establishing the main diagnosis, which, unfortunately, ended in death. Postmortem, the diagnosis of Abramov–Fiedler myocarditis was established, occupying a niche of fulminant myocarditis, the nature, pathogenesis and therapy of which nowadays remain not fully understood. The described clinical case allows us to focus on the problem of underdiagnosis of similar and other forms of myocarditis due to non–specific symptoms, as well as the absence in a number of medical institutions of the possibility of carrying out the “golden standard” of diagnosis – endomyocardial biopsyReferences
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