Coronary artery bypass grafting and percutaneouscoronary intervention in stable ischemic heart disease:contemporary approach
Company: Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Rublevskoe shosse, 135, Moscow, 121552, Russian Federation
For correspondence: Sign in or register.
Type: Editorial article
For citation: Golukhova E.Z. Coronary artery bypass grafting and percutaneous coronary intervention in stable ischemic heart disease: contemporary approach. Creative Cardiology. 2019; 13 (2): 91–7 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24022/ 1997-3187-2019-13-2-91-97
Received / Accepted: 20.05.2019/24.05.2019
Keywords: coronary artery bypass surgery percutaneous coronary intervention stable ischemic heart disease optimal medical therapy secondary prevention
Editorial comment covered the problems of contemporary results of coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in stable ischemic heart disease improving the last decades. The main reason of significant long-term improvement in surgical outcomes over time, including major adverse coronary events (MACE) and non-fatal myocardial infarctions according to latest publications was the greater use of optimal medical therapy for secondary prevention.References
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