Когнитивные функции после операций с искусственным кровообращением в раннем и отдаленном послеоперационном периоде
Бокерия, Л. А. Микроэмболия как главная причина церебральных осложнений при операциях с искусственным кровообращением / Л. А. Бокерия, А. Г. Полунина, Н. П. Лефтерова и др. // Практич. ангиол. - 2009. - Т. 3, № 1.
Голухова, Е. З. Нейропсихологические тесты в исследовании неврологических исходов кардиохирургических вмешательств / Е. З. Голухова, А. Г. Полунина, Е. В. Кузнецова // Бюллетень НЦССХ им. А. Н. Бакулева РАМН. - 2004. - Т. 5, № 3. - С. 224-234.
Гриневич, В. Нервные клетки не восстанавливаются / В. Гриневич // Наука и техника. - 2009.- Т. 38, № 7. - С. 75-78.
Мосолов, С. Н. Шкалы психометрической оценки симптоматики шизофрении и концепция позитивных и негативных расстройств / С. Н. Мосолов. - М.: Новый цвет, 2001
Филимоненко, Ю. Руководство к методике исследования интеллекта для взрослых Д. Векслера // Ю. Филимоненко, В. Тимофеев; под ред. О. И. Муляра. - Адапт. изд. - СПб: Иматон, 1995.
Ahlgren, E. Neurocognitive impairment and driving performance after coronary artery bypass surgery / E. Ahlgren, A. Lundqvist, A. Nordlund et al. // Eur. J. Cardiothorac. Surg. - 2003. - Vol. 23. - P. 334-340.
Atochin, D. N. Mouse model of microembolic stroke and reperfusion / D. N. Atochin, J. C. Murciano, Y. Gьrsoy-Ozdemir et al. // Stroke. - 2004. - Vol. 35, № 9. - P. 2177-2182.
Barbut, D. Posterior distribution of infarcts in strokes related to cardiac operations / D. Barbut, D. Grassineau, E. Lis // Ann. Thorac. Surg. - 1998. - Vol. 65, № 6. - P. 1656-1659.
Bergh, C. In the eye of both patient and spouse: memory is poor 1 to 2 years after coronary bypass and angioplasty / C. Bergh, M. Bдckstrцm, H. Jцnsson et al. // Ann. Thorac. Surg. - 2002. - Vol. 74. - P. 689-694
Berman, K. F. Physiological activation of a cortical network during performance of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test: a positron emission tomography study / K. F. Berman, J. L. Ostrem, C. Randolph et al. // Neuropsychologia. - 1995. - Vol. 33, № 8. - P. 1027-1046
Bokeriia, L. A. Asymmetric cerebral embolic load and postoperative cognitive dysfunction in cardiac surgery / L. A. Bokeriia, E. Z. Golukhova, N. Y. Breskina et al. // Cerebrovascular. Diseases. - 2007. - Vol. 23. - P. 50-56.
Bokeriia, L. A. Neural correlates of cognitive dysfunction after cardiac surgery / L. A. Bokeriia, E. Z. Golukhova, A. G. Polunina et al. // Brain. Res. Rev. - 2005. - Vol. 50, № 2. - P. 266-274.
Cayre, M. Cell migration in the normal and pathological postnatal mammalian brain / M. Cayre, P. Canoll, J. E. Goldman // Prog. Neurobiol. - 2009. - Vol. 88, № 1. - P. 41-63.
Chernov, V. I. Short-term and long-term cognitive function and cerebral perfusion in off-pump and on-pump coronary artery bypass patients / V. I. Chernov, N. Yu. Efimova, I. Yu. Efimova, S. D. Akhmedov // Eur. J. Cardiothorac. Surg. - 2006. - Vol. 29. - P. 74-81.
Dickerson, B. C. Detection of cortical thickness correlates of cognitive performance: reliability across MRI scan sessions, scanners, and field strengths / B. C. Dickerson, E. Fenstermacher, D. H. Salat et al. // Neuroimage. - 2008. - Vol. 39. - P. 10-18.
Fearn, S. J. Cerebral injury during cardiopulmonary bypass: emboli impair memory / S. J. Fearn, R. Pole, K. Wesnes et al. // J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. - 2001. - Vol. 121. - P. 1150-1160.
Freedman, M. Bilateral frontal lobe disease and selective delayed response deficits in humans / M. Freedman, M. Oscar-Berman // Behavioral. Neuroscience. - 1986. - Vol. 100, № 3. - P. 337-342
Henry, J. D. A meta-analytic review of verbal fluency performance following focal cortical lesions / J. D. Henry, J. R. Crawford // Neuropsychology. - 2004. - Vol. 18, № 2. - P. 284-295
Herrmann, M. Neurobehavioral outcome prediction after cardiac surgery: role of neurobiochemical markers of damage to neuronal and glial brain tissue / M. Herrmann, A. D. Ebert, I. Galazky et al. // Stroke. - 2000. - Vol. 31. - P. 645-650.
Kataoka, K. Cholinergic deafferentation after focal cerebral infarct in rats / K. Kataoka, T. Hayakawa, R. Kuroda et al. // Stroke. - 1991. - Vol. 22, № 10. - P. 1291-1296.
Lee, J. D. Benefits of off-pump bypass on neurologic and clinical morbidity: a prospective randomized trial / J. D. Lee, S. J. Lee, W. T. Tsushima et al. // Ann. Thorac. Surg. - 2003. - Vol. 76. - P. 18-26.
Lombardi, W. J. Wisconsin Card Sorting Test performance following head injury: dorsolateral frontostriatal circuit activity predicts perseveration / W. J. Lombardi, P. J. Andreason, K.Y. Sirocco et al. // J. Clin. Exp. Neuropsychol. - 1999. - Vol. 21, № 1. - P. 2-16.
Mahanna, E. P. Defining neuropsychological dysfunction after coronary artery bypass grafting / E. P. Mahanna, J. A. Blumenthal, W. D. White et al. // Ann. Thorac. Surg. - 1996. - Vol. 61. - P. 1342-1347.
McKhann, G. M. Cognitive outcome after coronary artery bypass: a one-year prospective study/ G. M. McKhann, M. A. Goldsborough, L. M. Borowicz et al. // Ann. Thorac. Surg. - 1997. - Vol. 63. - P. 510-515
Milner, B. Effects of different brain lesions on card sorting / B. Milner // Arch. Neurol. - 1963. - Vol. 9. - P. 90-100.
Murkin, J. M. Statement of consensus on assessment of neurobehavioral outcomes after cardiac surgery/ J. M. Murkin, S. P. Newman, D. A. Stump, J. A. Blumenthal // Ann. Thorac. Surg. - 1995. - Vol. 59. - P. 1289-1295.
Neville, M. J. Similar neurobehavioral outcome after valve or coronary artery operations despite differing carotid embolic counts/ M. J. Neville, J. Butterworth, R. L. James et al. // J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. - 2001. -Vol. 121. - P. 125-136.
Newman, M. F. Longitudinal assessment of neurocognitive function after coronary artery bypass surgery / M. F. Newman, J. L. Kirchner, B. Phillips- Bute et al. // N. Engl. J. Med. - 2001. - Vol. 344. - P. 395-399.
Newman, M. F. Report of the substudy assessing the impact of neurocognitive function on quality of life 5 years after cardiac surgery / M. F. Newman, H. P. Grocott, J. P. Mathew et al. // Stroke. - 2001. - Vol. 32. - P. 2874-2981.
Owen, A. M. Planning and spatial working memory following frontal lobe lesions in man / A. M. Owen, J. J. Downes, B. J. Sahakian et al. // Neuropsychologia. - 1990. - Vol. 28, № 10. - P. 1021-1034.
Polunina, A. G. Selection of neurocognitive tests and outcomes of cardiac surgery trials / A. G. Polunina // Ann. Thorac. Surg. - 2008. - Vol. 85, № 1. - P. 362.
Rasmussen, L. S. Neuron loss after coronary artery bypass detected by SPECT estimation of benzodiazepine receptors / L. S. Rasmussen, B. Sperling, H. H. Abildstrom, J. T. Moller // Ann. Thorac. Surg. - 2002. - Vol. 74. - P. 1576-1580.
Rezai, K. The neuropsychology of the prefrontal cortex / K. Rezai, N. C. Andreasen, R. Alliger et al. // Arch. Neurol. - 1993. - Vol. 50, № 6. - P. 636-642.
Schlцsser, R. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of human brain activity in a verbal fluency task / R. Schlцsser, M. Hutchinson, S. Joseffer et al. // J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry. - 1998. - Vol. 64. - P. 492-498.
Selnes, O. A. Cognitive changes 5 years after coronary artery bypass grafting / O. A. Selnes, R. M. Royall, M. A. Grega et al. // Arch. Neurol. - 2001. - Vol. 58. - P. 598-604.
Shallice, T. Specific impairments of planning / T. Shallice // Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B. - 1982. - Vol. 298. - P. 199-209.
Sotaniemi, K. A. Long-term cerebral outcome after openheart surgery: a five-year neuropsychological followup study / K. A. Sotaniemi, H. Monomem, T. E. Hokkanen // Stroke. - 1986. - Vol. 17, № 3. - P. 410-416.
Spreen, O. A Compendium of neuropsychological tests / O. Spreen, E. Strauss. - New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Stolz, E. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging and neurobiochemical markers after aortic valve replacement / E. Stolz, T. Gerriets, A. Kluge et al. // Stroke. - 2004. - Vol. 35. - P. 888-892.
Swan, G. E. Decline in cognitive performance in aging twins / G. E. Swan, A. LaRue, D. Carmelli et al. // Arch. Neurol. - 1992. - Vol. 49. - P. 476-481.
Takagi, N. Changes in cholinergic neurons and failure in learning function after microsphere embolism-induced cerebral ischemia / N. Takagi, K. Miyake, T. Taguchi et al. // Brain. Research. Bulletin. - 1997. - Vol. 43, № 1. - P. 87-92.
Verin, M. Delayed response tasks and prefrontal lesions in man-evidence for self generated patterns of behaviour with poor environmental modulation / M. Verin, A. Partiot, B. Pillon et al. // Neuropsychologia. - 1993. - Vol. 31, № 12. - P. 1379-1396.
Weinstein, G. S. Left hemispheric strokes in coronary surgery: implications for end-hole aortic cannulas / G. S. Weinstein // Ann. Thorac. Surg. - 2001. - Vol. 71, № 1.- 128-132.
Белова, А. Н. Шкалы, тесты и опросники в медицинской реабилитации / А. Н. Белова, О. Н. Щепетова. - М.: Антидор, 2002.Бокерия, Л. А. Микроэмболия как главная причина церебральных осложнений при операциях с искусственным кровообращением / Л. А. Бокерия, А. Г. Полунина, Н. П. Лефтерова и др. // Практич. ангиол. - 2009. - Т. 3, № 1.
Голухова, Е. З. Нейропсихологические тесты в исследовании неврологических исходов кардиохирургических вмешательств / Е. З. Голухова, А. Г. Полунина, Е. В. Кузнецова // Бюллетень НЦССХ им. А. Н. Бакулева РАМН. - 2004. - Т. 5, № 3. - С. 224-234.
Гриневич, В. Нервные клетки не восстанавливаются / В. Гриневич // Наука и техника. - 2009.- Т. 38, № 7. - С. 75-78.
Мосолов, С. Н. Шкалы психометрической оценки симптоматики шизофрении и концепция позитивных и негативных расстройств / С. Н. Мосолов. - М.: Новый цвет, 2001
Филимоненко, Ю. Руководство к методике исследования интеллекта для взрослых Д. Векслера // Ю. Филимоненко, В. Тимофеев; под ред. О. И. Муляра. - Адапт. изд. - СПб: Иматон, 1995.
Ahlgren, E. Neurocognitive impairment and driving performance after coronary artery bypass surgery / E. Ahlgren, A. Lundqvist, A. Nordlund et al. // Eur. J. Cardiothorac. Surg. - 2003. - Vol. 23. - P. 334-340.
Atochin, D. N. Mouse model of microembolic stroke and reperfusion / D. N. Atochin, J. C. Murciano, Y. Gьrsoy-Ozdemir et al. // Stroke. - 2004. - Vol. 35, № 9. - P. 2177-2182.
Barbut, D. Posterior distribution of infarcts in strokes related to cardiac operations / D. Barbut, D. Grassineau, E. Lis // Ann. Thorac. Surg. - 1998. - Vol. 65, № 6. - P. 1656-1659.
Bergh, C. In the eye of both patient and spouse: memory is poor 1 to 2 years after coronary bypass and angioplasty / C. Bergh, M. Bдckstrцm, H. Jцnsson et al. // Ann. Thorac. Surg. - 2002. - Vol. 74. - P. 689-694
Berman, K. F. Physiological activation of a cortical network during performance of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test: a positron emission tomography study / K. F. Berman, J. L. Ostrem, C. Randolph et al. // Neuropsychologia. - 1995. - Vol. 33, № 8. - P. 1027-1046
Bokeriia, L. A. Asymmetric cerebral embolic load and postoperative cognitive dysfunction in cardiac surgery / L. A. Bokeriia, E. Z. Golukhova, N. Y. Breskina et al. // Cerebrovascular. Diseases. - 2007. - Vol. 23. - P. 50-56.
Bokeriia, L. A. Neural correlates of cognitive dysfunction after cardiac surgery / L. A. Bokeriia, E. Z. Golukhova, A. G. Polunina et al. // Brain. Res. Rev. - 2005. - Vol. 50, № 2. - P. 266-274.
Cayre, M. Cell migration in the normal and pathological postnatal mammalian brain / M. Cayre, P. Canoll, J. E. Goldman // Prog. Neurobiol. - 2009. - Vol. 88, № 1. - P. 41-63.
Chernov, V. I. Short-term and long-term cognitive function and cerebral perfusion in off-pump and on-pump coronary artery bypass patients / V. I. Chernov, N. Yu. Efimova, I. Yu. Efimova, S. D. Akhmedov // Eur. J. Cardiothorac. Surg. - 2006. - Vol. 29. - P. 74-81.
Dickerson, B. C. Detection of cortical thickness correlates of cognitive performance: reliability across MRI scan sessions, scanners, and field strengths / B. C. Dickerson, E. Fenstermacher, D. H. Salat et al. // Neuroimage. - 2008. - Vol. 39. - P. 10-18.
Fearn, S. J. Cerebral injury during cardiopulmonary bypass: emboli impair memory / S. J. Fearn, R. Pole, K. Wesnes et al. // J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. - 2001. - Vol. 121. - P. 1150-1160.
Freedman, M. Bilateral frontal lobe disease and selective delayed response deficits in humans / M. Freedman, M. Oscar-Berman // Behavioral. Neuroscience. - 1986. - Vol. 100, № 3. - P. 337-342
Henry, J. D. A meta-analytic review of verbal fluency performance following focal cortical lesions / J. D. Henry, J. R. Crawford // Neuropsychology. - 2004. - Vol. 18, № 2. - P. 284-295
Herrmann, M. Neurobehavioral outcome prediction after cardiac surgery: role of neurobiochemical markers of damage to neuronal and glial brain tissue / M. Herrmann, A. D. Ebert, I. Galazky et al. // Stroke. - 2000. - Vol. 31. - P. 645-650.
Kataoka, K. Cholinergic deafferentation after focal cerebral infarct in rats / K. Kataoka, T. Hayakawa, R. Kuroda et al. // Stroke. - 1991. - Vol. 22, № 10. - P. 1291-1296.
Lee, J. D. Benefits of off-pump bypass on neurologic and clinical morbidity: a prospective randomized trial / J. D. Lee, S. J. Lee, W. T. Tsushima et al. // Ann. Thorac. Surg. - 2003. - Vol. 76. - P. 18-26.
Lombardi, W. J. Wisconsin Card Sorting Test performance following head injury: dorsolateral frontostriatal circuit activity predicts perseveration / W. J. Lombardi, P. J. Andreason, K.Y. Sirocco et al. // J. Clin. Exp. Neuropsychol. - 1999. - Vol. 21, № 1. - P. 2-16.
Mahanna, E. P. Defining neuropsychological dysfunction after coronary artery bypass grafting / E. P. Mahanna, J. A. Blumenthal, W. D. White et al. // Ann. Thorac. Surg. - 1996. - Vol. 61. - P. 1342-1347.
McKhann, G. M. Cognitive outcome after coronary artery bypass: a one-year prospective study/ G. M. McKhann, M. A. Goldsborough, L. M. Borowicz et al. // Ann. Thorac. Surg. - 1997. - Vol. 63. - P. 510-515
Milner, B. Effects of different brain lesions on card sorting / B. Milner // Arch. Neurol. - 1963. - Vol. 9. - P. 90-100.
Murkin, J. M. Statement of consensus on assessment of neurobehavioral outcomes after cardiac surgery/ J. M. Murkin, S. P. Newman, D. A. Stump, J. A. Blumenthal // Ann. Thorac. Surg. - 1995. - Vol. 59. - P. 1289-1295.
Neville, M. J. Similar neurobehavioral outcome after valve or coronary artery operations despite differing carotid embolic counts/ M. J. Neville, J. Butterworth, R. L. James et al. // J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. - 2001. -Vol. 121. - P. 125-136.
Newman, M. F. Longitudinal assessment of neurocognitive function after coronary artery bypass surgery / M. F. Newman, J. L. Kirchner, B. Phillips- Bute et al. // N. Engl. J. Med. - 2001. - Vol. 344. - P. 395-399.
Newman, M. F. Report of the substudy assessing the impact of neurocognitive function on quality of life 5 years after cardiac surgery / M. F. Newman, H. P. Grocott, J. P. Mathew et al. // Stroke. - 2001. - Vol. 32. - P. 2874-2981.
Owen, A. M. Planning and spatial working memory following frontal lobe lesions in man / A. M. Owen, J. J. Downes, B. J. Sahakian et al. // Neuropsychologia. - 1990. - Vol. 28, № 10. - P. 1021-1034.
Polunina, A. G. Selection of neurocognitive tests and outcomes of cardiac surgery trials / A. G. Polunina // Ann. Thorac. Surg. - 2008. - Vol. 85, № 1. - P. 362.
Rasmussen, L. S. Neuron loss after coronary artery bypass detected by SPECT estimation of benzodiazepine receptors / L. S. Rasmussen, B. Sperling, H. H. Abildstrom, J. T. Moller // Ann. Thorac. Surg. - 2002. - Vol. 74. - P. 1576-1580.
Rezai, K. The neuropsychology of the prefrontal cortex / K. Rezai, N. C. Andreasen, R. Alliger et al. // Arch. Neurol. - 1993. - Vol. 50, № 6. - P. 636-642.
Schlцsser, R. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of human brain activity in a verbal fluency task / R. Schlцsser, M. Hutchinson, S. Joseffer et al. // J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry. - 1998. - Vol. 64. - P. 492-498.
Selnes, O. A. Cognitive changes 5 years after coronary artery bypass grafting / O. A. Selnes, R. M. Royall, M. A. Grega et al. // Arch. Neurol. - 2001. - Vol. 58. - P. 598-604.
Shallice, T. Specific impairments of planning / T. Shallice // Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B. - 1982. - Vol. 298. - P. 199-209.
Sotaniemi, K. A. Long-term cerebral outcome after openheart surgery: a five-year neuropsychological followup study / K. A. Sotaniemi, H. Monomem, T. E. Hokkanen // Stroke. - 1986. - Vol. 17, № 3. - P. 410-416.
Spreen, O. A Compendium of neuropsychological tests / O. Spreen, E. Strauss. - New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Stolz, E. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging and neurobiochemical markers after aortic valve replacement / E. Stolz, T. Gerriets, A. Kluge et al. // Stroke. - 2004. - Vol. 35. - P. 888-892.
Swan, G. E. Decline in cognitive performance in aging twins / G. E. Swan, A. LaRue, D. Carmelli et al. // Arch. Neurol. - 1992. - Vol. 49. - P. 476-481.
Takagi, N. Changes in cholinergic neurons and failure in learning function after microsphere embolism-induced cerebral ischemia / N. Takagi, K. Miyake, T. Taguchi et al. // Brain. Research. Bulletin. - 1997. - Vol. 43, № 1. - P. 87-92.
Verin, M. Delayed response tasks and prefrontal lesions in man-evidence for self generated patterns of behaviour with poor environmental modulation / M. Verin, A. Partiot, B. Pillon et al. // Neuropsychologia. - 1993. - Vol. 31, № 12. - P. 1379-1396.
Weinstein, G. S. Left hemispheric strokes in coronary surgery: implications for end-hole aortic cannulas / G. S. Weinstein // Ann. Thorac. Surg. - 2001. - Vol. 71, № 1.- 128-132.