Comparative characteristic of the results of endovascular interventions in the superficial femoral arteries

Authors: V.V. Verin - 1, G.A. Sharandak - 1, E.A. Shubin - 1, S.M. Selyutin - 2, S.N. Kachalov - 1

Company: 1 Road Clinical Hospital at Station “Khabarovsk-1” of OAO “R.Zh.D”;
2 Primorskaya Territory Clinical Hospital no. 1.

For citation: Verin VV, Sharandak GA, Shubin EA, at al. Comparative characteristic of the results of endovascular interventions in the superficial femoral arteries. Kreativnaya kardiologiya. 2013; 1: 74-81 (in Russian)

Keywords: atherosclerosis, endovascular surgery, balloon angioplasty, stenting mechanical atherectomy, superficial femoral artery

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Objective. To compare efficacy of two treatment methods for atherosclerotic lesion of the superficial femoral arteries, i.e. endovascular atherectomy and balloon angioplasty with stenting.

Material and methods. Follow-up within 12 months has been reported regarding patients after surgical intervention as well as technical particulars of endovascular atherectomy of the superficial femoral arteries. The results have been presented of 26 successfully performed atherectomies and 46 balloon angioplasties with stenting.

Results. The maximum residual stenosis after the angioplasty proved to be more manifested than that after atherectomy (p<0.01). The frequency of thrombosis and restenosis development of the operated segment during 1 year has been comparable in both groups (42.3% and 45.7%, p>0.05). Thrombosis and/or restenosis have most frequently developed in the presence of manifested initial calcification of arteries irrespective of interventional method. Atherectomy performed in the absence of calcification has involved less risk of thrombosis and/or restenosis in the long-term follow-up period in comparison with traditional angioplasty.

Conclusion. Atherectomy is an effective endovascular method of treatment of atherosclerotic lesion of the femoral arteries comparable with the angioplasty with stenting as for the long-term results.


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Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery