Atherosclerosis is a complicated process, involving genetic and methabolic factors, associated with the interactions
between cells of many different types. Mechanisms of plaque destabilization are still not clear and require
new investigations. Connections between human herpes viruses (HHV) and atherosclerosis were suggested in 19th
century. However, in spite of many studies on the do not know wether HHV play a role in atherosclerosis development
and progression since the results of these studies are highly controversial. According to some studies the
relations between HHV infection and atherosclerosis exist, but other studies do not confirm this result. Also, controvercial
data were published on the prevalence of HHV in atherosclerosis: this prevalence varied 0 to 100%. No
doubt that we need further investigations that include determination of the latency/activity of HHV not only in
tissue but also in blood of the patients with atherosclerosis.
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