Structure and frequency of detection of cognitive declinein patients after direct myocardial revascularization
Company: Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Sosnovyi boul'vard, 6, Kemerovo, 650002, Russian Federation
For citation: Trubnikova OА, Tarasova IV, Barbarash OL et al. Structure and frequency of detection of cognitive decline in patients after direct myocardial revascularization. Kreativnaya Kardiologiya. 2015; 4: 5-12 (in Russian)
Keywords: postoperative cognitive dysfunction the structure the frequency of detection of cognitive decline cognitive domains direct myocardial revascularization
This study aimed to analyze of the structure and frequency of detection of cognitive decline in patients undergoing on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). It was found that the development of early postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) was observed in 62% patients 7–10 days after CABG. Long-term POCD was detected in 56% cases1 year after CABG. The early POCD structure consisted of cognitive decline with combination of two domains (neurodynamic and memory) more often – 31.3% cases, less – three domains (neurodynamic, memory and attention) – 13.7%. The cognitive decline in one domain was found the most frequently in neurodynamic (23.7%). In the structure of the long-term POCD the changes in cognitive functions identified in the early postoperative period was saved, the combination of two domains (neurodynamic and memory) was found the most frequently – in 31.3% cases. In addition, a one year after CABG increased the number of patients with neurodynamic disorders to 27.5% and with cognitive decline in three domains (neurodynamic, memory and attention) to 19.3%. Results of the study showed that the cognitive status of patients deteriorates one-year followup after on-pump CABG.
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