A value of periodic intracardiac electrograms used in the remote monitoring systems
Company: Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; ulitsa Pokrovskaya roshcha, 4, Astrakhan', 414011, Russian Federation
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For citation: Damrina E.V., Ilov N.N., Nechepurenko A.A.. A value of periodic intracardiac electrograms used in the remote monitoring systems. Kreativnaya Kardiologiya. 2016; 10 (3): 231-238 (in Russian)
Keywords: cardiac implantable electronic devices remote monitoring periodic intracardiac electrograms
Introduction. Remote monitoring systems (RMS) became a necessary attribute of effective management of patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIED).Material and methods. RMSs have a potential for sending the periodic intracardiac electrograms (PIEGMs). In our opinion, PIEGMs used in RMS are not paid enough attention in clinical practice. We conducted a singlecenter retrospective trial included 162 patients with dual (43%) and triple-chamber (57%) cardioverter-defibrillators to investigate a role of PIEGMs in remote follow-up of patients with CIED. RMSs were used in all cases. A total amount of 1109 PIEGMs received on servers of RMS from 20.08.13 to 10.06.16 were analyzed. We found R-wave oversensing (3 pts), Т-wave oversensing (2 pts), signs of lead failure (3 pts), high ventricular ectopy activity (4 pts), «slow» ventricular tachycardia with a cycle length below programmed parameters of detection (1 pt).
Results. The results of this research have revealed a diagnostic value of PIEGMs, that determines a necessity of its obligatory assessment during the analysis of RMS data.
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