Assessment of pulmonary veins and left atrial flow in patients with atrial fibrillation by 4d Flow magnetic resonance imaging. Results of a pilot study

Authors: Glazkova E.Yu., Makarenko V.N., Aleksandrova S.A., Shlyappo M.A., Dariy O.Yu.

Company: Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Rublevskoe shosse, 135, Moscow, 121552, Russian Federation

For correspondence:  Sign in or register.

Type:  Original articles


For citation: Glazkova E.Yu., Makarenko V.N., Aleksandrova S.A., Shlyappo M.A., Dariy O.Yu. Assessment of pulmonary veins and left atrial flow in patients with atrial fibrillation by 4D Flow magnetic resonance imaging. Results of a pilot study. Creative Cardiology. 2018; 12 (2): 130–45 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24022/1997-3187-2018-12-2-130-145

Keywords: magnetic resonance imaging atrial fibrillation 4D Flow left atrium pulmonary veins vortex

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Objective. To reveal hemodynamic changes in pulmonary veins (PV) and left atrium (LA) in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) using 4D Flow magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Material and methods. 4D Flow MRI were performed in 8 healthy patients (control group – CG) and 7 patients with AF (AFG). Hemodynamic parameters of PV were evaluated and LA vortex rings were estimated in the 3 phases of the cardiac cycle.

Results. In AFG PV quantitative hemodynamic patterns were decreased (Mе [Q1; Q3]): PV peak velocity was 35.8 sm/s [23.3; 44.0] vs 41.4 sm/s [36.1; 53.7] in CG (р = 0.002); stroke forward volume of PV 12.8 ml [8.3; 18.6] vs 18.2 [13.7; 21] (р=0.014), pressure gradient 0.3 mmHg [0.2; 0.6] vs 0.6 [0.5; 0.9] (р=0.002), PV volume peak velocity 30.0 ml/s [18.6; 42.0] vs 40.9 [32.4; 51.0] (р=0.021). Significant differences included: less frequently formed LA vortexes (3 patients vs 8 in CG, р = 0.04) in the reservoir phase (2 patients vs 8 in CG, р = 0.001) in the conduit phase (0 patients vs 4 in the CG, р=0.003) in the pumping phase; changes between PVs flow (71% patients vs 12% in CG, р=0.025); linear right PVs flow (100% patients vs 25% in CG, р=0.004).

Conclusion. 4D Flow MRI revealed significant changes in AF patients flow. PVs hemodynamics patterns were reduced, PVs flow was desynchronized, and LA vortex was rarely formed. Further evaluation are required to esti- mate diagnostic value of these criteria as risk factors of thromboembolic complications.

Acknowledgements. The study had no sponsorship.
Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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About Authors

Chief Editor

Elena Z. Golukhova, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

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