Science on acquired heart defectsPart 1. Origination of the idea and first steps (XVIII century–a 1st third of the XIX century)

Authors: S.P. Glyantsev

Company: A.N. Bakoulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

For citation: Glyantsev SP. Science on acquired heart defects Part 1. Origination of the idea and first steps (XVIII century–a 1st third of the XIX century). Kreativnaya kardiologiya. 2013; 1: 14-22 (in Russian)

Keywords: history of a clinic for internal organs diseases history of cardiology rheumatic (acquired) heart disease initiation of the science on acquired heart defects

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In the 1st part of the five-part essay the origination of science regarding a patient presented with rheumatic heart disease has been considered from the beginning of XVIII to the end of a 1st third of the XIX century. The main proceedings have been examined as for French, Italian and British physicians of the beginning of XIX century who contributed to initiation of the science on acquired heart defects, i.e. R. de Vieussens, W. Cowper, G. Morgagni, J. Corvisart, R. Laёnnec. The author has shown that the most important achievement of the clinic for internal organs diseases of that time in the field of symptomatology study of heart defects was the refusal from recognizing the ontogenic nature of a disease to the benefit of clear understanding of the pathologic-anatomical changes of the heart and lungs that cause certain clinical symptoms


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Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery