Креативная кардиология. 2018; 12(2)

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Editorial article

Heart team. When the oncologist should join?

Barbarash О.L.

Original articles

Immunohystochemical analysis of collagen-I and collagen-III incidence in different forms of infective endocarditis: the role of underlying heart disease or the influence of infection?

Gryaznov D.V. , Kovalev S.A. , Zhdanov A.I. , Vorontsova Z.A. , Lavrenov A.L. , Pershin E.V. , Zolotareva S.N. , Kinshov A.N. , Nekrasova N.V.

Patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome after coronary artery bypass grafting with paroxysms of atrial fibrillation in postoperative period: the first results of study

Skvortsova R.D. , Kazachenko A.A. , Kulikov A.N. , Khubulava G.G. , Kuchmin A.N. , Potapov E.A.

Assessment of pulmonary veins and left atrial flow in patients with atrial fibrillation by 4d Flow magnetic resonance imaging. Results of a pilot study

Glazkova E.Yu., Makarenko V.N., Aleksandrova S.A., Shlyappo M.A., Dariy O.Yu.

The role of obesity in the dynamics of renal function and Fas-mediated apoptosis after off-pump coronary artery bypass on a beating heart

Mirolyubova O.A. , Moseeva A.S. , Shonbin A.N.


Cytomegalovirus infection in patients with acute myocardial infarction

Lebedeva А.M., Maryukhnich E.V., Аlbakova Т.M., Аlbakova R.M., Ryazankina N.B., Ryzhkova E.V.

Indications, criteria, choice of the method of myocardial revascularization: european and russian clinical guidelines data

Sigaev I.Yu., Keren M.A.

Case reports

Heart rhythm disturbances as manifestations of cardiotoxicity of chemotherapy in the treatment of an ovarian cancer patient

Polikutina О.M. , Evtushenko V.V. , Zobnina А.V. , Borzyanitsa S.М. , Slepynina Yu.S. , Barbarash О.L.

Sequential coronary artery bypass grafting with both internal thoracic arteries on a beating heart

Zhelikhazheva M.V., Merzlyakov V.Yu., Baychurin R.K.

Chief Editor

Elena Z. Golukhova, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

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