Креативная кардиология. 2018; 12(2)
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Contents, pdf
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Editorial article
Heart team. When the oncologist should join?Barbarash О.L.
Original articles
Immunohystochemical analysis of collagen-I and collagen-III incidence in different forms of infective endocarditis: the role of underlying heart disease or the influence of infection?Gryaznov D.V. , Kovalev S.A. , Zhdanov A.I. , Vorontsova Z.A. , Lavrenov A.L. , Pershin E.V. , Zolotareva S.N. , Kinshov A.N. , Nekrasova N.V.
Patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome after coronary artery bypass grafting with paroxysms of atrial fibrillation in postoperative period: the first results of study
Skvortsova R.D. , Kazachenko A.A. , Kulikov A.N. , Khubulava G.G. , Kuchmin A.N. , Potapov E.A.
Assessment of pulmonary veins and left atrial flow in patients with atrial fibrillation by 4d Flow magnetic resonance imaging. Results of a pilot study
Glazkova E.Yu., Makarenko V.N., Aleksandrova S.A., Shlyappo M.A., Dariy O.Yu.
The role of obesity in the dynamics of renal function and Fas-mediated apoptosis after off-pump coronary artery bypass on a beating heart
Mirolyubova O.A. , Moseeva A.S. , Shonbin A.N.
Cytomegalovirus infection in patients with acute myocardial infarctionLebedeva А.M., Maryukhnich E.V., Аlbakova Т.M., Аlbakova R.M., Ryazankina N.B., Ryzhkova E.V.
Indications, criteria, choice of the method of myocardial revascularization: european and russian clinical guidelines data
Sigaev I.Yu., Keren M.A.
Case reports
Heart rhythm disturbances as manifestations of cardiotoxicity of chemotherapy in the treatment of an ovarian cancer patientPolikutina О.M. , Evtushenko V.V. , Zobnina А.V. , Borzyanitsa S.М. , Slepynina Yu.S. , Barbarash О.L.
Sequential coronary artery bypass grafting with both internal thoracic arteries on a beating heart
Zhelikhazheva M.V., Merzlyakov V.Yu., Baychurin R.K.