We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Journal is included into the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific Russian journals and publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC), in which significant results of theses can be published. It is also included into the international information systems and databases and to meet their requirements the authors must adhere firmly to the following rules. The rules were developed according to the recommendations of the Higher Attestation Commission, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)1, the Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of Health Research — EQUATOR — Network, and also guidelines prepared under the editorship of the Association of Science Editors and Publishers.2.
Before sending an article to the journal editors, please, read carefully the following materials posted on the journal's website (section "Journal Policy"):
By submitting the article and accompanying files for publication in the journal, the author (or all authors of this work, if it is co-authored) agrees with the copyright clause presented in detail in the corresponding section of the site.
I. General rules, ethical issues and additional integral elements of the article
By submitting the article, the authors confirm that they agree with the provisions and principles listed below.
I.1. Authorship identification
The authors of the article can be people who made a significant contribution to the work, revision or correction, the final approval of the article for publication, as well as those responsible for the integrity of all parts of the manuscript. People who played a different role in the preparation of the article can be indicated in the section of the article "Acknowledgments".
The first in the list of authors should be the head of the research team who took the greatest part in the work and preparation of the manuscript. He should also be responsible for communication with the editorial board and readers (after the publication of the article). He must make sure that the co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the article when it is approved for publication.
If somebody provides funding, laboratory materials and instruments, provides technical editing of the manuscript, gives scientific advice, or is a general leader of the research team, it does not justify being included in the authors’ team.
Shared participation of the authors (contribution of authors) in the writing of the article must be indicated at the end of the article, after the bibliography. That is, in which of the stages of the creation of the article each of its authors took part: study concept and design; patients screening, diagnostic and treatment; collection of clinical material; material collection and processing; formal analysis and investigation; funding acquisition; review of publications on the topic of the article; statistical data processing and software; approval of the manuscript final version for publication; checking of significant content; writing the text of the manuscript; writing — review and editing; preparation of illustrations (study concept and design; patients screening, diagnostic and treatment; material collection and processing; formal analysis and investigation; funding acquisition; resources; statistical data processing and / or software; approval of the final version; supervision and validation; writing — original draft; writing — review and editing; visualization). The authors should be listed in the order in which they are indicated in the title of the article.
If several authors participated in any of the stages of the work, the stage must be named (repeated) for each of them.
The number of authors in original articles is not limited, in reviews there can be up to 4 authors, in descriptions of individual clinical cases — up to 5 authors.
I.2. Conflict of interest
Authors should inform of any conflicts of interest that may exist.
The conflict of interest arises when an author, reviewer or editor has financial relations and cooperate with any organizations, which may interfere with unprejudiced perception, peer review, decision making on the publication of research results (for example, receiving royalties, educational grants, participation in expert councils, membership, labor relations, consulting work, store ownership or other interests), or when there is a non-financial interest (for example, personal or professional relationships, acquaintances, etc.) regarding the issues and / or materials discussed in the article.
The presence of a conflict of interest is not an ethical violation by itself; a violation occurs when this information is hidden. More information on the concept of a conflict of interest can be found here.
I.3. Funding for research and publications
If the research and / or preparation of the article had financial support, it is necessary to indicate the source of funding (grant, company support, etc.).
I.4. Plagiarism and secondary publishing
It is unacceptable to use unfair textual borrowing and appropriation of research results that do not belong to the authors of the submitted manuscript.
It is prohibited to send to the editorial office works printed in other publications or sent to other publications. You can check the article for originality using the services
It is prohibited to send to the editorial office works printed in other publications or sent to other publications. You can check the article for originality using the services https://www.antiplagiat.ru/ (for Russian-language texts) and http://plagiarism.org/ (for English-language texts). The editorial board checks all submitted manuscripts for plagiarism.
I.5. Respect for patients' rights and bioethics rules
For the original study, it is necessary to indicate whether its protocol follows ethical principles and which ethics committee approved the study (indicating the document number, the date of its signing and the official name of the committee).
Patients have the right to maintain confidentiality, which cannot be disclosed without their consent. Personally identifiable information, including patients’ names and initials, hospital and case histories numbers, should not be published in written descriptions, photographs, or genealogies, unless it is of great scientific value or the patient (or parent / guardian) provides a written consent to publication. In such a case, authors should inform patients whether it is likely that their personally identifiable material, once published, will be available on the Internet. To publish the results of the original work, the authors must report in the article about the presence of informed consent of the patient (patients) to distribute information. See below for examples of design.
The study protocol was approved by the biomedical ethics committee <…>.
All patients signed the informed consent to participate in the study.
If children were included in the study:
The study protocol was approved by the biomedical ethics committee <…>.
The patients’ parents signed the informed consent for their children to participate in the study.
If the article includes a clinical case review:
Respect for patients' rights.. The patient(s) signed the informed consent for the publication of their data.
If the patient is under 18:
Respect for patients' rights. The parents of the patient (s) signed the informed consent for the publication of his (their) data.
When using laboratory animals in research, it is necessary to indicate whether the research protocol followed the norms for conducting biomedical research with animals.
II. Rules for submitting a manuscript to the editor
II.1. Manuscript submission form
Manuscripts and accompanying documents can be submitted to the editorial office by one of the following ways:
– by e-mail to the address izdinsob@yandex.ru; the text of the article should be submitted in Microsoft Word format (see section III), and accompanying documents with original signatures should be attached to the letter in PDF or JPG format;
– by courier or regular mail (1 copy of the manuscript printout with the obligatory attachment of the electronic version (in Microsoft Word format), as well as the originals of all necessary accompanying documents).
II.2. Accompanying documents
The accompanying documents include:
– referral on the letterhead of the organization with the seal and permission of the head (a sample can be downloaded here);
– a cover letter with the signatures of all authors (the form can be downloaded here);
– the conclusion of the official translation agency on the equivalence of the English-language and Russian-language texts (for authors who want to publish the full text of the article both in Russian and in English in the electronic form).
– the conclusion of the official translation agency on the equivalence of the English-language and Russian-language texts (for authors who want to publish the full text of the article both in Russian and in English in the electronic form).
III. Rules for the articles design
III.1. Layout
The article should be typed in Times New Roman or Arial, font size 12, with double line spacing, all margins 2 cm, left margin — 3 cm. All pages should be numbered in the lower right corner. You cannot use automatic hyphenation.
The recommended length of the manuscript is 8–18 pages (including illustrations, tables, abstract and references), depending on the article type.
III.2. Language of the article
Manuscripts in Russian and / or English are accepted for publication in the journal. If the article is written in Russian, translation into English is required for: article titles, official names of institutions, abstract, keywords, as well as the titles of tables and figure captions (the latter is done by the author at the stage of editing the manuscript in the publishing house), reference list — References (see below), authors' contributions. The names of the authors are given in transliteration.
If desired, the authors can provide the full text of the article in both Russian and English. It is obligatory to accompany the translation by the conclusion of any official translation agency on the equivalence of the English-language and Russian-language texts. If there are full texts of articles in two languages, the Russian-language text is published in the printed version of the journal, and both versions are published in the electronic version.
The editorial staff of the journal is not responsible for the quality of the translation, but it controls the maintenance of the information reliability provided by the authors in the original language.
Articles by foreign authors in English may be published by the decision of the editor-in-chief of the journal without translation into Russian (except for the title, abstract and keywords) or with full or partial translation (titles and captions to figures, tables).
III.3. The title page
The title page must include the following information:
a) the initials and surname of the author (s);
b) the title of the article;
c) the full name of the institution in which the author works, in the nominative case, with the obligatory indication of the status of the organization (an abbreviation before the name) and departmental affiliation;
d) city, country;
e) additional information about each author required for processing the journal in the Russian Science Citation Index: full name (in the English block — in transliteration: Ivan I. Ivanov), academic degree, title, position, ORCID ID; the author, responsible for the correspondence, also indicates the current (!) e-mail, and ✉ is put in front of the full name.
Acknowledgments (if any), conflict of interest (required), funding (if any) in Russian and English are indicated after the keywords.
ORCID ID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a unique 16-digit number of a scientist, which allows to identify his publications, patents, grants and other results of scientific activity — a kind of scientific portfolio. ORCID is not a citation base like Web of Science and Scopus. In fact, this project is a managed and structured analogue of Google Scholar.
2) the problem of identification of the researcher is solved;
3) Author ID Scopus and Researcher ID Web of Science can be linked to ORCID — there is no need to collect a list of your publications;
4) ORCID is a non-profit project that brings together representatives of the academic community around the world, including research organizations, publishing houses, funding organizations, etc.
Attention! It is recommended to fill out the account in English, transliterating the surnames and first names according to the BGN system (you can use the information from the English For citation block in our journals). If in different publications your surname is transliterated in different ways, it is recommended to indicate all spelling variants in your account.
If the journal is not included in international databases, you can enter information about the articles published in it manually using DOI and ISBN identifiers.
The title of the scientific article should briefly and precisely summarize the research. Abbreviations, formulas and georeferencing should be avoided in the title.
If there are several authors and institutions, a digital index is affixed to each surname and corresponding institution. Moreover, if one author has several jobs, each is indicated by a separate digital index. If there is only one institution, no additional clarifications are required for each author.
The title page is duplicated in English. It is recommended to transliterate the authors' surnames in the same way as in previous publications (and in the ORCID account), or according to the BGN system — Board of Geographic Names (see the website www.translitteration.com). As for the organization(s), it is important that the officially accepted English version of the name is indicated.
Article layout sample
Epidemiology of congenital heart disease and ways of optimization of cardiac surgical care
1 Volgograd Regional Clinical Cardiological Center, Volgograd, Russian Federation
2 Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, Moscow, Russian Federation
✉Kirill O. Kirillov, Postgraduate; orcid.org/0000-..., e-mail: …
Valeriy V. Nachinkin, Deputy Chief Physician; orcid.org/0000-...
Aleksey I. Kim, Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, Head of Department; orcid.org/0000-...
Ivan A. Yurlov, Cand. Med. Sci., Leading Researcher, Cardiac Surgeon; orcid.org/0000-...
Abstract. Keywords.
For citation: Kirillov K.O., Nachinkin V.V., Kim A.I., Yurlov I.A. Epidemiology of congenital heart disease and ways of optimization of cardiac surgical care. Clinical Physiology of Circulation. 2016; 13 (1): ... (in Russ.).
Acknowledgments. The authors thank Ivanov I.I. for his help in ... (If any.)
Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest. (Obligatory.)
The abstract of the article is the main source of information in domestic and foreign information systems and databases that index the journal. The abstract is available on the website of the journal, on the website of the Scientific Electronic Library and is indexed by network search engines. According to the abstract of the article, the reader should understand the essence of the study, and he should decide whether it is worth reading the full text of the article for more detailed information.
The abstract should contain only the essential facts of the work. For original articles, a structured abstract is required, including purpose, material and methods, results, conclusion(s). The volume of the text of the author's abstract must contain precisely 100–250 words, depending on the type of article.
The abstract should be accompanied by several keywords (at least three) or phrases that reflect the main topic of the article and facilitate the classification of work in computer search engines.
Abstract and keywords should be submitted in Russian and English.
IMPORTANT! An abstract in English is a source of information autonomous from the article for an English-speaking audience. The more correct the abstract is, the greater the chances of its worthy estimation by the English-speaking experts.
It is recommended to take keywords in English from the Medline Organized Dictionary (MeSH).
III.5.How to write original articles
The structure of original articles must correspond to IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion): abstract and keywords must be in Russian and English; introduction, reflecting the state of the issue at the time of this writing; goals and objectives of this study; material and methods; results; discussion; conclusions on the sections or conclusion (at the request of the authors).
The "Introduction" provides a brief overview of the relevant data, a critical assessment of the literature relevant to the problem under consideration, the rationale for the novelty and significance of the study globally (not only for a given city or country), identifies unresolved issues and sets clearly formulated goals and objectives that explain further research. Each keyword of the article should be reflected in the introduction. It is recommended to avoid lengthy analyses and historical insights.
"Material and methods" section should contain information about where and when the study was carried out; inclusion and exclusion criteria for patients, experimental animals3; description of the research method (cohort, prospective, randomized, retrospective, series of observations); a detailed description of a new drug, method, modification, experiment, surgical intervention in a certain sequence; a brief description of the protocol (Standard Operating Protocol — SOP)4.
Previously published methods must be linked: only relevant changes are described by the author. In works presenting the results of scientific research, modern methods of statistical data processing should be used. It is mandatory in statistical analysis to calculate the sample size based on statistical power, determining the normal distribution according to Kolmogorov-Smirnov or Shapiro-Wilk, detailed presentation of logistic or linear regression analysis models (determinants and covariates), statistical package and version, and data format (M ± SD, Me [25; 75%] ...).
"Results" section should be clear and concise. Data should be reported in absolute numbers and percentages, and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) and p-value should be reported. Error bars are required at all experimental and calculated data points with an explanation in the text of how these errors were established.
Presentation of results and discussion in one section are not allowed.
“Discussion” section provides a convincing explanation of the results and shows their significance. In the case of computational studies, the results obtained should be compared with information from published experimental works, if possible. It is necessary to indicate whether the given numerical values are primary or derived, give the limits of accuracy, reliability, confidence intervals, estimates, recommendations, accepted or rejected hypotheses discussed in the article.
III.6. Design review
It is desirable that reviews were in accordance with international guidelines for systematic literature search methods and standards. Abstracts of reviews should be at least 100 words and contain information, including methods of searching for literature in databases. The text of the review should contain introduction, thematic sections and conclusion with appropriate subheadings. For more details about how to make reviews, refer to the guideline PRISMA (Recommended reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis).
The most important component of the review is the list of references. According to it, the reader will judge the scientific value of the work. Therefore, it is very important to be responsible as much as possible for the review process and its compilation (see below).
III.7. How to process clinical follow-up
Clinical follow-up studies, made according to CARE recommendations, have priority.
linical abstracts should contain at least 100 words. The text of the article should contain introduction, case description, discussion and conclusion (conclusions) with appropriate subheadings.
III.8. Standards
All terms and definitions must be scientifically reliable, their spelling (both Russian and Latin) must correspond to “Encyclopedic dictionary of medical terms” (1984, ed. academician Petrovsky B.V.). Medicines must be listed only in international non-proprietary names that are used first, then if necessary, several trade names of medicines registered in Russia are given (in accordance with the information search system "Klifar-Gosreestr" [State Register of Medicines]).
It is desirable that the spelling of enzyme names conformed to the standard Enzyme Nomenclature.
It is desirable that the names of inherited or familial diseases corresponded to the international classification of inherited conditions in humans. (Mendelian Inheritance in Man).
The names of microorganisms should be verified in accordance with the publication "Medical microbiology" (edited by Pokrovsky V.I. ).
The manuscript may be accompanied by a glossary of terms (unclear ones that can cause difficulties for the reader when reading). In addition to the generally accepted abbreviations for units of measurement, physical, chemical and mathematical quantities and terms (for example, DNA), abbreviations of phrases that are often repeated in the text are allowed. All letter designations and abbreviations introduced by the author must be deciphered in the text at their first mention. Abbreviations of simple words are not allowed, even if they are often repeated. Doses of medicines, units of measurement and other numerical values should be indicated in the SI system.
III.9. Requirements for illustrations
General questions
In the text, all illustrations (photographs, charts, diagrams, graphs, etc.) are referred to as figures. All figures in the text should be referenced, for example: text (Fig. 1). Figures are numbered continuously and placed immediately after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time. Inscriptions on figures should be translated into Russian and given in the form of a text note. You should write inscriptions or arrows in photos, create graphs or diagrams in Microsoft Office programs (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) and provide them in the same format to ensure the possibility of making changes to them! In addition, all figures must be provided in separate graphic files (preferably in the .tiff extension), naming them in accordance with the figure numbers: 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 3c, 4, etc .; photographs must be original and unlabeled.
You should not send:
– files with very low resolution (for example, formatted for display on the screen);
– illustrations previously published in other works of the authors (the editors reserve the right to check illustrations for plagiarism through Google Images).
When borrowing a figure from any source, a link to this source is given, the corresponding number from the list of references.
The eyes of patients in photographs should be covered with a black rectangle; if it is absent, the author must provide the editor with a written permission from the patient to publish his photograph.
III.10. Captions to illustrations
Figure captions are placed UNDER the figure. They must contain an exhaustive comment to the image, all symbols and abbreviations must be disclosed. It is necessary to indicate the method of visualization and the presented projection in the captions to the results of instrumental diagnostic techniques; in captions to micrographs you should indicate the method of staining the preparation, magnification of the eyepiece and objective; in the captions to the graphs you should indicate designations along the abscissa and ordinate axes, units of measurement, explanations for each curve.
If a figure consists of several parts (for example, a, b, c), they should have a common title и отдельные подписи для каждой части. Точку в конце подрисуночной подписи не ставят. Пример оформления подрисуночной подписи при наличии надписей (аббревиатур) см. ниже.
Fig. 1. Apical four-chamber position: a – mitral annulus size 38 mm (indicated by an arrow); b – MV coaptation depth 5 mm (indicated by an arrow).
PML – posterior mitral leaflet; LV – left ventricle; LA – left atrium; MV – mitral valve; RV – right ventricle; AML – anterior mitral leaflet; RA – right atrium; AF – annulus fibrosus
In the figure caption, only used abbreviations and contractions should be explained that were not mentioned before in the text of the article.
III.11. How to process the table
The table must have at least 2 columns and 2 lines. If there is only one column, you should either add columns, or arrange it in the form of a list, listing the contents point by point. Tables in the form of pictures must be re-set. The text should contain links to tables: text (table 1). After the paragraph with a link, indicate the number of the table, its name and place the table itself. All numbers in the tables must match the corresponding numbers in the text.
You must specify in the text of the table or in a note to it: 1) units of measurement; 2) decoding of abbreviations (if they were not previously mentioned in the text); 3) data format (the results are presented as M ± SD, where M is the mean value, SD is the standard deviation; quantitative data are presented as the median and interquartile range — Me [25; 75%] (or indicating the minimum and maximum values of the range ); qualitative indicators are presented in the form of n (%), where n —…; 4) reliability of differences (in the form of a separate column — no font selection!or notes under the table).
When borrowing a table from any source, a link is given to this source, the corresponding number from the list of references.
III.12. Maths formulas
Maths formulas (equations) should be presented as editable text, not as images and numbered in order (with a number in brackets to the right of the formula). Variables should be indicated in italics.
III.13. References
A correct description of the used sources in the reference is a guarantee that the cited publication will be taken into account when evaluating the scientific activities of the authors and the organizations they represent.
In the journals of publishing house of A.N. Bakulev NMRS CVS sources in the list of references are numbered not alphabetically, but in the order of citation, regardless of the language in which the work is given.
In original articles, it is advisable to cite no more than 30 sources, in literature reviews no more than 60, in other materials up to 15.
The references in the text of the article are given by numbers in square brackets. All sources cited in the list of reference must have references in the text (and vice versa).
In addition to fundamental works, the bibliography should contain publications over the past 5 years, primarily articles from journals, links to highly cited sources, including those from Scopus and Web of Science (approximately 50% of all sources). The links must be verifiable.
Important! The links should be given to the original sources and not to cite one review where they are mentioned. The links to unpublished works, as well as to data obtained from unofficial Internet sources are not allowed.
Each scientific fact must be accompanied by a separate reference to the source. If several scientific facts are mentioned in one sentence, a link is put after each of them (not at the end of the sentence). For multiple references, they are given in order, for example [1, 3, 5–9].
Indicate in the form of footnotes in the text and not in the list of references:
1) textbooks, dissertations, abstracts as it is more correct to refer to articles published on the basis of dissertation research materials;
2) documents (orders, GOSTs, patents, medical and sanitary rules, guidelines, regulations, decrees, sanitary and epidemiological rules, standards, federal laws).
The source in the list of references is given STRICTLY in the following sequence:
– first the surname, then the initials of the authors (with dots). If there are only 7 authors, all authors are mentioned, but if more —the first 6 authors are mentioned and write et al.);
– title of the article / book;
– after the dot there is a name of the journal. The names of Russian journals are indicated in full, foreign ones are indicated in abbreviated form (with dots), in accordance with Journal Title Abbreviations: for example, Ann. Surg.
– fter dot, the year is followed (not month);
– after a semicolon separated by a space — volume (without vol.), in brackets there is a number (without the sign №), for example: 94 (4);
– after a colon separated by a space — page numbers (С. or Р. are not used), for example: 1307–10;
In the bibliographic entry of a book (see example), it is important to indicate the city and year of publication. If a chapter is referenced from a book, the author (s) and chapter title are listed first, followed by the author (s) or editor (s) and the title of the entire book is followed by the imprint.
The links to Internet sources must be reliable and durable. As a minimum, you should provide the full URL and the date when the link was available. You should also indicate any other additional information, if known: DOI, the authors' names, dates, the links to publication sources and etc.
References should be given in one list: the translation (under the same number) is placed under the Russian-language source.
In references for Russian-language sources, the following bibliographic reference structure is required: author (s) (transliteration), translation of the title of a book or an article into English, title of the journal (translation or transliteration), output data (see examples below), indication of the language of the article in brackets (in Russ.) (see example).
Important! The titles of journals and articles should not be translated independently, it is necessary to copy the officially documented translation posted in the archive on the journal's website or in eLibrary.ru database, otherwise the link will be invalid!
When preparing links to articles published in the journals of A.N. Bakulev NMRS CVS, it is recommended to use data from the titles of the articles (blocks "For citation").
Examples of how to process “Literature/References” (the rubrication is given for the authors and has an expository character)
Journal article:
1. Duppen N., Etnel J.R., Spaans L., Takken T., Van den Berg-Emons R.J., Boersma E. et al. Does exercise training improve cardiopulmonary fitness and daily physical activity in children and young adults with corrected tetralogy of Fallot or Fontan circulation? A randomized controlled trial. Am. Heart J. 2015; 170 (3): 606–14. DOI: 10.1016/j.ahj.2015.06.018
2. Kiseleva M.G. Psychological characteristics of childrenof the second year of life with congenital heart disease. The Bulletin of Bakoulev Center. Cardiovascular Diseases. 2017; 18 (5): 501–6 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24022/1810-0694-2017-18-5-501-506
An article from an electronic journal:
3. Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am. J. Nurs. 2002; 102 (6). http://nursingworld.org/AJN/2002/june/Wawatch.htm (дата обращения 17.10.2013 / accessed October 17, 2013).
5. Bockeria L.A., Golukhova E.Z. (Eds.). Clinical cardiology: diagnosis and treatment. In 3 vols. Moscow; 2011. V. 3 (in Russ.).
A chapter from a book:
6. Kokshenev I.V. Implants in pediatric cardiac surgery. In: Bockeria L.A., Shatalov K.V. (Eds.) Pediatric cardiac surgery: a guide for physicians. Moscow; 2016 (in Russ.).
Internet resource:
7. Z-score calculator. Boston Children’s Hospital. https://zscore.chboston.org/ (дата обращения 28.08.2021 / accessed August 28, 2021).
Materials of scientific conferences:
8. Actual issues of hematology and transfusiology: proceedings of scientific and practical conference. July 8, 2009. Saint Petersburg; 2009 (in Russ.).
9. Salov I.A., Marinushkin D.N. Obstetric tactics for fetal death. In: Proceedings of the 4th Russian Forum “Mother and Child”. Мoscow; 2000: 516–9 (in Russ.).
10. European meeting on hypertension. Milan, June 15–19, 2007. Milan; 2007.
11. Harnden P., Joffe J.K., Jones W.G. (Eds.) Germ cell tumours V: Proceedings of the 5th Germ cell tumour conference. 2001, Sept. 13–15; Leeds; UK. New York: Springer; 2001.
Methodological guidelines, clinical guidelines:
12. Popov D.A. Algorithms for perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis and therapy in cardiovascular surgery: Guidelines. Moscow; 2020 (in Russ.).
13. Golukhova E.Z. (Ed.) A comprehensive program for the physical and psychological rehabilitation of patients with respiratory complications after cardiac surgery and pneumonia associated with COVID-19: A guide. Moscow; 2021 (in Russ.).
14. National guidelines for the management, diagnosis and treatment of valvular heart disease. Moscow; 2009 (in Russ.)
The author is responsible for the correctness of the bibliographic data.
Articles should be sent to the following address: 119049, Moscow, Leninsky Prospect, 8, bldg. 18, A.N. Bakulev NMRS CVS, the head of intellectual property department Yushkevich Tatyana Igorevna (e-mail: (e-mail: izdinsob@yandex.ru).
If these rules are violated, the articles will be returned to the authors for revision. There is no fee for the publication of manuscripts.
1 — A detailed description of the points of the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, in particular ethical issues, can be found at www.ICMJE.orgContinue reading
2 — Gasparyan A.Yu., Kirillova O.V. (Eds.) Updating instructions for authors of scientific journals: Methodological materials. Translation from English. Saint-Petersburg; 2015. Continue reading
3 — When submitting experimental works to the press, one should be guided by the "Rules for Carrying Out Works with the Use of Experimental Animals". In addition to the type, sex and number of animals used, the authors must indicate the methods of anesthesia used during painful procedures and methods of killing animals. Continue reading
Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery
Leo Antonovich BOCKERIA,
Academician of RAS and RAMS,
President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery
Chief Editor of the Center’s Publishing House
Cardiac surgeon; scientist and researcher; pedagogue and science organizer; doctor of medicine (1973); professor (1982); academician of RAMS (1994), academician of RAS (2011); Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (1994); Lenin Prize (1976), State Prize of the USSR (1986), State Prize of the RF (2002) and the Government of the RF Prize (2003) laureate.
In 1994 Lео A. Bockeria was elected the Director of A.N. Bakoulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery (SCCVS). In 1998 he became at the same time the Director of the Center for Surgical and Interventional Arrhythmology under the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation (MHС RF).
Since 1994 he has been the Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (MHC RF). Since 1995 he has been the Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery № 2 (which was founded by him personally) at Moscow Medical Academy (now the First Moscow Medical University) named after I.M. Sechenov (MHC RF).
Since 2003 he has led the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery and Interventional Cardiology at Moscow State Medical and Stomatological University named after A.I. Evdokimov (MHC RF).
By his initiative the Training and Research Center ‘Modern Medical Technologies’ successfully functions, running annually 4–6 courses of postgraduate qualification improvement for senior specialists.
Lео A. Bockeria perfoms the entire known plurality of heart operations in the most various pathologies: 3–6 operations daily, that is 700–900 operations with extracorporeal circulation a year.
Since 1996 he has been the Chief Cardiac Surgeon of the MHС RF.
He is the author and co-author of more than 3700 scientific publications including more than 250 books, more than 100 inventions and utility models, more than 300 computer programs and databases, some of which are registered abroad, designed for various problems of cardiоvascular surgery, cardiology, medical education and medical science organizing.
Lео A. Bockeria is the author of the unique works dedicated to the theoretical foundation and clinical use of the method of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in heart and vessels surgery. He is the leading expert in diagnostics and surgical treatment of the heart rhythm and conduction disorders (especially tachyarrhythmias) including various combinations of heart arrhythmias with congenital and acquired defects as well as malformations, coronary disease.
He also initiated the development of another new section of cardiac surgery in Russia – minimally invasive heart surgery. He made a great contribution to the solution of the problem of coronary heart disease surgical treatment.
His role in the development of new approaches to the surgical treatment of terminal heart failure is great. The development of operations in a heavy category of cardiac patients with different forms of cardiomyopathies is his achievement. He was the first to amplify the concept of dynamic cardiomyoplasty, including that in children. Lео A. Bockeria performed the first implantation of artificial ventricle in Russia and after a long break initiated the resumption of heart transplantations in the Center.
It is by his initiative that the advanced technologies of diagnostics and reconstructive surgery of the ascending aorta and aortic arch disorders have been introduced into clinical practice.
Besides, Lео A. Bockeria ensured the development of another trend in modern medical science – creative cardiology, which determinates the necessity of the constructive cooperation of physicians representing different specialities: cardiologists, cardial surgeons, functional diagnosticians, experts in fundamental and applied disciplines.
Under the leadership of Lео A. Bockeria the new highly technological principles of prevention and treatment of patients with cardiovascular pathologies are worked out and introduced into clinical practice in the Center – namely using the methods of gene and cell therapy.
Academician Lео A. Bockeria conducts priority researches to create bioprosthetic heart valves for valve defects correction. A study of the effectiveness of myocardial protection in infants under the age of one year using new intracellular cardioplegic solution ‘Bockeria – Boldyreva’, created in the SCCVS under Bockeria’s guidance, is continued.
Lео A. Bockeria is actively engaged in methodology of medical science and pedagogical activities. He created the largest in Russia cardiac school and trained more than one generation of physicians – heart surgeons, cardiologists, resuscitators and specialists of other related professions.
Lео A. Bockeria is a scientific supervisor of 350 candidate dissertations and an advisor of more than 100 doctoral thesises. He is the creator of A.N. Bakoulev SCCVS Publishing House with its own printing office, the founder and the Chief Editor of such journals as ‘Annals of Surgery’, .‘The Bulletin of A.N. Bakoulev SCCVS Cardiovascular Diseases’, ‘Clinical Physiology of Blood Circulation’, ‘Annals of Arrhythmology’, ‘Creative Cardiology’, information collection ‘Cardiovascular Surgery’; the Chief Editor of ‘Children’s Heart and Vascular Diseases’ journal.
For his vigorous activities and contribution to the Russian healthcare system Lео A. Bockeria was aworded titles and prizes of the highest level. He is a laureat of Lenin Prize (1976), two State Prizes (1986 – USSR, 2002 – RF), the Russian Federation Government Prize (2003). For prominent achievements he was aworded The Order ‘For Merit to the Fatherland’, Grade III (1999), II (2004) and IV (2010); Georgian Order of Honor and Merit (1999); The Order of Sergius of Radonezh, Grade II (2001). The Russian Biographical Institute repeatedly gave L.A. Bockeria the honorary title ‘Person of the Year’, and in 2000 – ‘Person of the Decade’ in the category of medicine. In 2002 he got the title of the ‘Man of Legend’; the nationwide prize ‘Russian National Olympus’, established by the Government, the Union of Industrialists and the ‘Third Millennium’ fund. In 2003 as one of the world's leading cardiac surgeons Lео A. Bockeria got the international ‘Golden Hippocrates’ aword. In 2004 he was aworded the RAS Premium ‘Triumph’ in the nomination ‘Medicine – the Science of Life’ and the order ‘Maecenas’ of the charity fund ‘Maecenases of the Century’ for the outstanding сontribution to the revival and prosperity of the world, the greatness of the soul, the selfless generosity; in 2004 and 2005 – golden honorary badge ‘Public Recognition’ of the homonymous National Fund, National Civil Committee for Cooperation with the Law Enforcement, Legislative and Judicial Bodies, independent organization ‘Сivil Society’ for the great personal contribution to the developement of national medicine, for performing of the unique cardiosurgical operations using the latest medical technologies, which saved hundreds of children’s and infants’ lives, for long and fruitful scientific-practical, pedagogical and educational activities, for the active citizenship.
In 2006 Lео A. Bockeria was awarded Order of Honor ‘Public Recognition’; diploma of the Presidium of the Parliament of the Peoples of Russia ‘for the salvation of many lives, outstanding knowledge, leadership qualities, for unique personal qualities – nobleness, courage, sense of duty, the ability to cherish the honor and dignity, to keep the word and do the business, as well as for the faith in great future of the Fatherland’; Golden Medal for outstanding сontribution to the education in Russia; Golden Star ‘Honor, Pride and Glory of Russia’.
In 2008 Lео A. Bockeria got the medal ‘for practical contribution to strengthening of the nation's health’; Order of Honor with the awarding of the title ‘Support of Honest Business’ and the honorary title ‘A Distinguished Surgeon of Modern Times’. In 2009 his great contribution to the science and Russian healthcare was marked by awarding him the A.N. Kosygin Prize ‘For Great Achievements in the Development of Russian Economy’ and Moscow city Award in medicine for the development and introduction into clinical practice of the new biological heart valve ‘Bioglis’.
Lео A. Bockeria is a member of the American Association for Thoracic Surgery (1991), Board member (1992) and member of the Presidium (since 2003, consul) of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Board member of the European Association for Cardiovascular Surgery, Scientific Board member of Monaco Cardio-Thoracic Center (1992), the member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (1997), Honorary Member of the American College of Surgeons (1998), the Academician of the Ukraine AMS, Honorary Professor of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (2011), the foreign member of Georgian National Academy of Sciences (2012).
He is the President of Russian Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons (1995), the President of Russian Public Organization ‘The League of Nation's Health’ (2003), the member of all convocations of the RF Public Chamber.