Biochemical markers of endothelial dysfunction in patients with coarctation of the aorta after surgery

Authors: Svobodov A.A., Levchenko E.G., Chernenko M.I.

Company: Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, Moscow, Russian Federation

For correspondence:  Sign in or register.

Type:  Reviews


For citation: Svobodov A.A., Levchenko E.G., Chernenko M.I. Biochemical markers of endothelial dysfunction in patients with coarctation of the aorta after surgery. Creative Cardiology. 2023; 17 (4): 474–80 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24022/1997-3187-2023-17-4-474-480

Received / Accepted:  27.02.2023 / 08.11.2023

Keywords: biomarkers coarctation of the aorta asymmetric dimethylarginine sE-selectin galectin-3 syndecan-1 matrix metallopeptidase 9 renin angiotensin aldosterone children congenital heart disease

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Coarctation of the aorta (CoAo) is a common congenital heart defect that lends itself well to radical surgical correction. However, in the long term, patients after CoAo repair often experience other cardiovascular diseases such as arterial hypertension, aortic arch remodelling, early atherosclerosis, chronic coronary syndrome and others. The genesis of these diseases is associated with the presence of CoAo and generalised vasculopathy, which is a consequence of endothelial dysfunction. The latter is a complex and poorly understood process, known only by indirect signs such as special molecules appearing in the blood in cases of apparent endotheliopathy. This is article review of biochemical markers of endothelial dysfunction before and after the correction of coarctation of the aorta is presented, both common markers of endothelial dysfunction (asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), sE-selectin, galectin-3), and molecules probably associated with it (RAAS enzymes, syndecan-1, matrix metallopeptidase 9) are reviewed.


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About Authors

  • Andrey A. Svobodov, Cardiovascular Surgeon, Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, Deputy Director; ORCID
  • Elena G. Levchenko, Dr. Med. Sci., Leading Researcher; ORCID
  • Mariya I. Chernenko, Resident Physician, Paediatric Cardiologist; ORCID

Chief Editor

Elena Z. Golukhova, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

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