The purpose of the study was to investigate the dynamics of dyscirculation encephalopathy (DCE) symptoms in
the cohort of cardiac surgery patients in early and delayed postoperative periods. Sixty three patients were evaluated
2–3 days before surgery and on the 1st – 3rd day after on-pump operations. In 1–1,5 years after surgery questionairies
concerning DCE symptoms were sent to 25 patients, and 21 of them replied. About one half of the
patient cohort reported subjective DCE symptoms and showed mild reflex alterations before surgery. Early after
surgery more than 80% of patients complained of an insomnia and/or increased fatigability. Significant increase
of dizziness, unsteady gait and difficulty in sustained attention was found as well. The maximal number of subjective
complains along with excessive mild neurological signs were found in 7 patients after postoperative deliria. At
delayed follow-up the development or worsening of DCE subjective symptoms were reported by about a half of the
patient cohort. At the same time, about one third of the patient cohort demonstrated improvement of subjective
symptoms in comparison with preoperative surgery. The evaluation of DCE subjective symptoms is a sensitive and
easy diagnostics method of postoperative neurological complications.
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