Intervention strategy in elderly patient with atrial fibrillation and severe left atrial fibrosis

Authors: Stepanova N.M., Serguladze S.Yu., Sopov O.V., Aleksandrova S.A., Kvasha B.I.

Company: Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, Moscow, Russian Federation

For correspondence:  Sign in or register.

Type:  Clinical Cases


For citation: Stepanova N.M., Serguladze S.Yu., Sopov O.V., Aleksandrova S.A., Kvasha B.I. Intervention strategy in elderly patient with atrial fibrillation and severe left atrial fibrosis. Creative Cardiology. 2022; 16 (4): 533–40 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24022/1997-3187-2022-16-4-533-540

Received / Accepted:  12.11.2022 / 14.12.2022

Keywords: atrial fibrillation radiofrequency ablation imaging high-density mapping fibrosis

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In the modern world, there is a significant increase in the prevalence of atrial fibrillation (AF) mostly due to the growth of average age of the population in developed countries. Approaches to the treatment of AF are diverse, the most effective at the moment are invasive catheter interventions. The number of AF ablation procedures has been growing exponentially in the last decade, and the indications for this procedure are increasingly expanding against the backdrop of a general trend in the aging of the population. Cardiologists do not refer elderly patients to interventional treatment due to the expectation of lower efficacy and a higher risk of complications compared to younger patients. In turn, few surgeons have experience working with this group of patients. However, modern methods of prehospital examination and intraoperative high-density mapping expand the approach to interventional treatment of this group of patients. The described clinical case touches upon the peculiarities of the catheter technique for the treatment of AF in an elderly patient with a high percentage of fibrotic changes in the left atrium.


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About Authors

  • Nadezhda M. Stepanova, Cardiologist; ORCID
  • Sergey Yu. Serguladze, Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, Head of Department, Cardiac Surgeon; ORCID
  • Oleg V. Sopov, Cand. Med. Sci., Сardiovascular Surgeon; ORCID
  • Svetlana A. Aleksandrova, Cand. Med. Sci., Senior Researcher; ORCID
  • Boris I. Kvasha, Cand. Med. Sci., Сardiovascular Surgeon; ORCID

Chief Editor

Elena Z. Golukhova, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

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