Динамика дисперсии Q-T в процессе стресс-теста как показатель стенотического поражения коронарных артерий

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Тhe aim of the study was to determine the severity and extend of coronary artery disease by measuring of Q-T dispersion during treadmill test. We study the changing (dynamics) of Q-T dispersion on treadmill test in 56 patients with coronary artery disease verified by the coronary angiography: 23 patients with 1-2-vessel disease, 33 patients with multiple vessel disease (10 of them - with left main stenosis). Control group consists of 29 patients without significant lesion of coronary artery. There is no significant elevation of corrected Q-T dispersion (Q-Tdc) on exercise stress in controls. The meanings of Q-Tdc were: 46±22 ms (at rest), 58±27,7 ms (exercise), 58±31,6 ms (2 min of recovery time). Q-T dispersion was found significantly higher in coronary artery disease group at rest and exersice compared with controls (accordingly, 67±27,3 ms, р<0,001 and 84±35,8 ms, р<0,001), and also increase significantly from rest to exercise (р<0,05). The level of Q-T dispersion significantly increases during physical training in multiple vessel disease: 63,9±25 ms (at rest), 93,9±37,8 ms (exercise, р<0,001). Correlation coefficient between per cent of left main stenosis and increasing of Q-T dispersion with exercise was 0,7 (considerable direct relation). In 1-2-vessel disease no exercise-induced elevation of Q-T dispersion was found, but the level of Q-Tdc was higher than in controls (at rest 72,7±29,8, р<0,001, exersise 72,1±28,9, р=0,02). Q-T dispersion in treadmill test is the additional factor in coronary artery disease diagnosis. The increasing level of Q-T dispersion from rest to exercise is connected with multiple vessel disease and left main disease.


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Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery