Электроэнцефалография как инструмент диагностики ишемических изменений головного мозга после аортокоронарного шунтирования

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Purpose. We studied electroencephalography (EEG) as a possible tool for diagnostics of postoperative brain ischemic alterations in patients without overt neurological symptoms.

Methods. Eighteen patients underwent eyes closed resting EEG 2-3 days before on-pump coronary surgery and on the 10-15th postoperative day. In addition, healthy controls were evaluated with EEG twice in a two-week interval.

Results. Pathological EEG changes included slowing of high frequency (beta) activity in the majority of brain regions, total increase of mean frequency of theta-1 activity, and increase of mean frequency of delta-1 activity in left hemisphere. At the same time decrease of alpha-2 power and slowing of theta-2 mean frequency was observed in both patient and control groups. Therefore, the latter EEG phenomena may be interpreted as physiological ones. In addition, healthy subjects showed increase of total power in left temporal region, whereas this trend was absent in patients.

Conclusion. At follow-up pathological and physiological dynamics ob brain electric activity was registered in the patient group. Pathological changes of brain electric activity after on-pump included slowing of high-frequency brain activity and localized changes of slow-wave activity in left hemisphere.


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Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery