Креативная кардиология. 2020; 14(2)

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Cover, pdf
Title page, pdf
Contents, pdf
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Title page, pdf
Contents, pdf
About journal, pdf

Original articles

“Dos grandes frescos donde se mostrata la historia de la cardiologia”: view at the history of cardiology of doctor Ignacio Chávez and artist Diego Rivera. Part 2. From the first blood pressure measuring to modern cardiology

S.P. Glyantsev , Yu.D. Pirushkina


Premature ventricular contraction-induced cardiomyopathy

B.Sh. Berdibekov, S.A. Aleksandrova, D.V. Mrikaev, E.Z. Golukhova

Bypass grafting: outcomes and efficiency of antiplatelet treatment

Yu.I. Grinshteyn , A.A. Kosinova , T.S. Mongush , M.D. Goncharov

E-health in patients with chronic heart failure: realities and prospects

A.E. Demkina , A.V. Vladzimirskiy , S.P. Morozov , O.R. Artemova , M.N. Ryabinina , A.S. Vorob’ev

Search for ways to optimize management tactics for patients with peripheral artery atherosclerosis: focus on the use of statins and the identification of specific biomarkers

M.A. Keren, N.A. Sheykina

Case reports

A modern comprehensive diagnostic and surgical approach to the correction of Bland–White–Garland syndrome and valvular insufficiency in adult patient

I.I. Skopin , P.V. Kakhktsyan , I.M. Tsiskaridze , K.E. Kovalenko , I.V. Slivneva , I.S. Zheleznyak , S.V. Kushnarev

Cardiogenic syncope and epilepsy: how not to make a mistake in the diagnosis. Clinical case and current of the issue status

E.V. Gordeeva , N.V. Kizhvatova , E.D. Kosmacheva , L.V. Timchenko , V.A. Porkhanov

Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery