Креативная кардиология. 2017; 11(4)
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Guidelines of european society of cardiology on managementof acute ST-elevation myocardial infarctionof 2017: what is new?
A.V. Shpektor
The immediate results of coronary artery bypassgrafting, depending on revascularizationat simultaneous interventions on brachiocephalicarteries
A.A. Melikulov, V.Yu. Merzlyakov, I.V. Klyuchnikov, A.I. Skopin, N.A. Darvish, S.K. Mamedova, M.F. Akhmedova, A.K. Zhalilov, M.A. Salomov
Interaction of low-frequency oscillations in heartrate variability and blood flow variability in distalarterial bed during treatment with metoprololin patients with prior myocardial infarction
A.R. Kiselev , V.S. Khorev , V.A. Shvarts , A.S. Karavaev , S.A. Mironov , O.M. Posnenkova , O.L. Bockeria , V.I. Gridnev
Pericardial diseases: etiology, pathophysiology,diagnosis and treatment
O.V. Kas’yanova
Meta-analysis of results the surgical treatmenthypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
M.E. Khitrova , L.A. Bockeria , M.I. Berseneva , S.L. Plavinskiy , M.V. Avdeeva
Different strategies of catheter ablation of atrialfibrillation for improving clinical outcomes
A.V. Kozlov, S.S. Durmanov
Syncope: etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosisand treatment (based on the recommendationsof the american and european societies of cardiology)
B.Sh. Berdibekov
Long-term results of balloon catheter mitralvalvuloplasty through 14 and 22 years(clinical cases and review)
L.S. Kokov , A.N. Korostelev , M.V. Il'ina , M.V. Parkhomenko , N.M. Bikbova , E.V. Kovaleva
Consecutive surgical treatment of a patientwith critical aortic stenosis and combined lesionof carotid and coronary arteries: clinical caseand review
I.I. Skopin, B.A. Suerkulov, T.V. Asatryan, D.V. Murysova